Anastasia Stelse
Poet, Artist, Coffee Enthusiast
Anastasia Stelse returned to Wisconsin after nearly a decade living in the South, a landscape which continues to paint her writing. She holds a BA in Archaeology and Writing from the University of Evansville; an MFA from American University; and a PhD in English, Creative Writing Emphasis from the University of Southern Mississippi's Center for Writers. Primarily a poet, she began as a fiction writer and believes in the importance of multi-genre study and practice as vital components of a writer's education. Her poetry, fiction, and interviews have appeared or are forthcoming in Poet Lore, Sou'wester, Crab Orchard Review, Narrative, and the Memorious Blog, among others. She currently teaches in the Business Communication Program at the Wisconsin School of Business at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
In addition to writing and teaching, Stelse pursues other creative arts, including making pottery and sewing.
Photo by Margaret K.
Haunch High Snow, Pierian Springs Press, January 2025
Rearticulation, Pierian Springs Press, Late Spring 2025
"Stepping Stone," Harpur Palate
"The Tree of Many Fruits," The Take (Mud Season Review), Spring 2020
"Building a Fire in Bristol," Switchback
"#549. Why Do Drops of Water Flatten and Disappear after a Time?," Narrative
"Fiction Spotlight: Joanna Pearson" (Interview), Memorious Blog
"Improvised Compost," LIT
"Last Rights," Verse Daily (web anthology reprint)
"Contents," Boudin
"Motive," Boudin
"Home Excavation," Passages North
"Mythology of Meeting," Passages North
"Reclamation," Passages North
"Potter's Field," Rougarou
"Shorthand for Flirtationships," Split Lip
"Shorthand for Disentanglements," Split Lip
"After the Hospital Waiting Room," Another Chicago Magazine
"When Asked About My Grandfather's Death," Another Chicago Magazine
"The Hive in Winter," Atticus Review
"Odocoileus Virginianus Clavium," Crab Orchard Review
"At Peace" (Fiction), Product 31
"Cleaning Lady at the Valley Inn," Red Earth Review
"Poetry Spotlight: Contributor Derrick Harriell" (Interview), Memorious Blog
"Keeping On," TAB: The Journal of Poetry & Poetics
"The Keeper," Cobalt Review
"Snow Holds," Hawai'i Pacific Review
"Poetry Spotlight: Contributor Dana Levin" (Interview), Memorious Blog
"Poetry Spotlight: Contributor Emilia Phillips" (Interview), Memorious Blog
"Pool at the Corner of Toulouse and North Rampart," Meniscus
"Coffin at the Corner of Toulouse and North Rampart," Meniscus
"Tightness Waiting" (fiction), Barrelhouse
"Rescue Porpoises," Sugar House Review, Is. 20
"View of a Small Town," Poet Lore, Vol. 115 No. 1/2
"Science for the Dead," Poet Lore, Vol. 115 No. 1/2
"Ode to Air Travel," The Louisville Review, No. 87
"New: Post-Flight," The Louisville Review, No. 87
"Sound Studies," The Louisville Review, No. 87
"Façade," Shooter, Is. 11
"Debts," Little Patuxent Review, Is. 27
"A Butterfield Horse," Louisiana Literature, Vol. 36 No. 2
"Prophesy," San Pedro River Review, Vol. 11 No. 2
"The Patterns on Butterfly Wings Come from Tiny Scales," Stonecoast Review, Is. 11
"Last Rights," Cimarron Review, Vol. 204
"Curveball, 1963," Zone 3, Vol. 33 No. 1
"The Radium Girls," Poet Lore, Vol. 113 No. 1/2
"At the Route 49 Flea Market," Harpur Palate, Vol. 16 No. 2/Vol. 17 No. 1
"Castings," Harpur Palate, Vol. 16 No. 2/Vol. 17 No. 1
"Riding Home with a Friend of a Friend After a Party," Harpur Palate, Vol. 16 No. 2/Vol. 17 No.1
"Unease," Bayou Magazine, Issue 68
"Want," Sou'wester, Vol. 45 No. 1 & 2
"The House on Big Spring Drive," Sou'wester, Vol. 45 No. 1 & 2
"Southern Prohibition Brewery Tour," New South, Vol. 10 No. 2
"Ivory," Fairy Tale Review, The Translucent Issue